Museum of Bricks
Visit the largest private LEGO museum in the world.
What can you look forward to
We have a special children's corner in the museum premises - special in the sense that it is intended for visitors of all ages, as we believe that everyone can enjoy building LEGO®.

If you would like to continue building even after opening hours, visit our specially equipped store, where you will find current LEGO® building blocks, limited sets and exclusive LEGO® products that are hard to find in the Czech Republic.

The store is also a paradise for minifigure collectors and spare parts seekers. Selected historical sets for passionate collectors or Lego investors are also available in the Prague store.
The Prague Museum is the largest of the five in terms of space and number of exhibits. It boasts first place among Czech and world museums of its kind.

A few numbers to give you an idea – on an area of ​​420 m2, there are 20 thematic exhibitions containing a total of 3,000 unique models, which are composed of more than 1,000,000 LEGO® cubes.

In the Prague branch, unique models of Prague landmarks such as the Charles Bridge, the National Museum, the Old Town Astronomical Clock and the National Theatre are prepared for visitors.

But there is also, for example, the Temple of Saint Basil the Blessed, the landmark of Red Square and a symbol of Moscow, the Italian Trevi Fountain and the Mole, a laughing fictional character created by the artist Zdenek Miler and a folk symbol of the Czech Republic.

There is also an exposition dedicated to knightly duels, machines, Star Wars, Harry Potter and many other rare sets. At the same time, visitors will learn something more about the history and development of the LEGO® brand and a lot of interesting things on top. For example, did you know that Lego used to be made of wood?
Pražské muzeum je největším z celé pětice z hlediska rozlohy i počtu vystavěných exponátů. Honosí se prvenstvím mezi českými i světovými muzei svého druhu.

Trocha čísel pro představu – na ploše 420 m2 se nachází 20 tematických expozic obsahujících dohromady 3 000 unikátních modelů, které jsou složeny z více než 1 000 000 kostiček.

V pražské pobočce jsou pro návštěvníky připraveny unikátní modely pražských pamětihodností jako jsou Karlův most, Národní muzeum, Staroměstský orloj či Národní divadlo.
Nachází se zde ale i například Chrám Vasila Blaženého, dominanta Rudého náměstí a symbol Moskvy, italská Fontána di Trevi či Krteček, vysmátá nemluvná fiktivní postavička stvořená výtvarníkem Zdeňkem Milerem a lidový symbol češství.

Nachází se zde i expozice věnované rytířským soubojům, mašinkám, Star Wars, Harrymu Potterovi a mnoho dalších raritních setů. Návštěvníci se zároveň dozví něco víc o historii a vývoji značky LEGO® a plno zajímavostí navrch. Věděli jste například, že dřív bylo lego dřevěné?

V prostorech muzea máme speciální dětský koutek – speciální v tom smyslu, že je určen pro návštěvníky všech věkových kategorií, jelikož věříme, že stavění z lega si užije každý.

Pokud byste chtěli ve stavění pokračovat i po otevírací době, navštivte i naši nadstandardně vybavenou prodejnu, kde naleznete aktuální LEGO® stavebnice, limitované sety i exkluzivní LEGO® produkty, které se v České republice jen stěží shánějí.

Obchod je rájem i pro sběratele minifigurek a hledače náhradních dílů. V pražském obchodě jsou k dostání i vybrané historické sety pro zapálené sběratele či lego investory.
How did you enjoy your visit?
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    This place was awesome!!! The said the museum takes about 45 min to walk through but we spent at least 2hrs. Really dope. It's in an old bank building so a Lego store is at entrance level and the museum is both below at vault level and up the stairs above the store level. If you're kid loves Lego they will love this largest private collection. Amazing!
    Akua Ova
    Local Guide
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Very nice place. Definitely run by som passionated people. The museum downstairs (and up stairs) are mostly builds of sets, which is nice. The bigger works seems to be done in free hand, which is very impressive.

    If you like Lego, you will like to spent 20-40min going through it all.

    The staff at the counter was very friendly!

    R. Rugaard`
    Local Guide
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    If you love Lego it is perfect for you.
    I popped in, to fill in a gap in my itinary. Its pretty decent, some great models of various places and movies etc.
    Jay Cheek
    Local Guide
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    I took my boy here when he was 8yo in March 2019. He used to be a big Lego lover (sadly not anymore). This place has great collection of Lego. There was play area with full of Lego as well. Great place to spend time with your kids.
    Amy Munns
    Local Guide
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How to find us?
Národní 362/31, 110 00, Praha

Tram and Metro
Get off at the Národní třída stop.

Travelling by car
You can park at the paid parking lot on Národní Street (80 CZK/hour) or at the National Theatre parking lot (60 CZK/hour).
Opening hours
We are open for you every day of the week

Monday - Sunday
10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Changes in opening hours and restrictions are always announced on these pages.

Last visit is possible latest 30 mins before the closing time.
BASIC PRICE LIST of entrance fees when purchased on the spot can be downloaded here.

10% GROUP DISCOUNT for more than 10 people (does not apply to school and family entrance fees).

One adult FREE for every ten children.
Groups of more than ten people must be booked.

Holders of the ZTP card - have a reduced entrance fee by one price category.

Holders of the ZTP - P card have a reduced entrance fee by one price category, the accompanying person has a FREE entrance fee.

Tickets are valid for one year from purchase.

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